What is crawlability test?

A crawlability test is a process of testing a website to see if search engines can effectively crawl and index its content. This is important for search engine optimization (SEO), as search engines need to be able to access a website's content in order to rank it in search results.

What tools can you assist in the crawlability of a website?

There are several tools that can assist in the crawlability of a website, including:
Google Search Console: This free tool provided by Google allows website owners to monitor their website's performance in search results, including crawl errors and indexing issues.

Screaming Frog: This is a website crawler tool that can analyze a website's structure, identify broken links, and check for other crawlability issues.

SEMrush: This is a comprehensive SEO tool that includes a website audit feature that can identify crawlability issues and provide suggestions for improvement.

How do I test Google crawler?

To test if Google crawler can access your website, you can use the "Fetch as Google" feature in Google Search Console. This tool allows you to simulate how Google crawls and indexes a page on your site.

How do you know if a website can be crawled?

You can also use the "robots.txt" file on your website to indicate which pages or sections of your site should not be crawled by search engines. If a website is properly configured with a "robots.txt" file and no other crawlability issues are present, then it can be assumed that the website can be crawled by search engines.

What is crawling in technical SEO?

Crawling in technical SEO refers to the process of search engine bots accessing and indexing the content on a website. This is the first step in the process of getting a website ranked in search results.

What is crawler usage?

Crawler usage refers to the purpose of search engine bots crawling a website. The primary purpose is to index a website's content and make it available in search results. This allows users to find and access relevant information through search engines. Additionally, search engines use crawling to evaluate the relevance and quality of a website's content, which can impact its ranking in search results

How to Use B B TechNet's Crawlability Test Tool?

Follow these simple steps for a quick crawlability check:

STEP 1 - Enter URL

Specify the link to the web page whose crawlability and indexability status you would like to check as follows:

Click here to enter a website...                                                     Submit

STEP 2 - Run the Tool

Click on “Check” to run B B TechNet’s Crawlability Test Tool.

STEP 3 - Check Results

Crawlability Checker will provide you with crawlability test report which will enable you to:

➞ Check Crawlability Status

(It will highlight whether Google and Bing are allowed or disallowed to crawl the given URL)

➞ Monitor Indexability Status

(It will show whether Google and Bing are allowed or disallowed to index the given URL)

➞ Analyze Robots.txt

(It will display the Robots.txt file and link to the XML Sitemap of the respective website)