BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator

Your BMI is:

BMI Calculator

Body Mass Index( BMI) is a measure of body fat grounded on a person's weight and height. It's used as an index of health and fitness, and is extensively used by healthcare professionals and individualities to determine whether a person is light, fat, or at a healthy weight for their height. 

BMI is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by their height in measures squared. The performing number is also compared to a standard range of BMI values to determine whether a person is light, normal weight, fat, or fat. 

BMI Chart

The standard range of BMI values is as follows light BMI lower than18.5 Normal weight BMI between18.5 and24.9 fat BMI between 25 and29.9 fat BMI 30 or advanced.

Risks associated with being overweight

  Being overweight increases the risk of a number of serious diseases and health conditions.    Below is a list of said risks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • High blood pressure
  • Higher levels of LDL cholesterol, which is widely considered "bad cholesterol," lower levels of HDL cholesterol, considered to be good cholesterol in moderation, and high levels of triglycerides
  • Type II diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Osteoarthritis, a type of joint disease caused by breakdown of joint cartilage
  • Sleep apnea and breathing problems
  • Certain cancers (endometrial, breast, colon, kidney, gallbladder, liver)
  • Low quality of life
  • Mental illnesses such as clinical depression, anxiety, and others
  • Body pains and difficulty with certain physical functions
  • Generally, an increased risk of mortality compared to those with a healthy BMI

Risks associated with being underweight

  Being underweight has its own associated risks, listed below:

  • Malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, anemia (lowered ability to carry blood vessels)
  • Osteoporosis, a disease that causes bone weakness, increasing the risk of breaking a bone
  • A decrease in immune function
  • Growth and development issues, particularly in children and teenagers
  • Possible reproductive issues for women due to hormonal imbalances that can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Underweight women also have a higher chance of miscarriage in the first trimester
  • Potential complications as a result of surgery
  • Generally, an increased risk of mortality compared to those with a healthy BMI
BMI is a simple and affordable way to assess a person's weight status, and it's extensively used by healthcare professionals to screen for weight- related health problems. still, it isn't a perfect measure of body fat, as it doesn't take into account factors similar as muscle mass, bone viscosity, and body shape. In addition, it may not be accurate for certain groups of people, similar as athletes or the senior.

BMI Calculator is a tool that can be used to calculate a person's BMI grounded on their weight and height. It's a simple and easy- to- use tool that can give a quick and accurate estimate of a person's BMI, and can be used by individualities to cover their weight status over time. 

BMI Calculator generally consists of a form with two input fields for weight and height, a button to calculate BMI, and a placeholder for the result. The stoner enters their weight and height into the input fields, and clicks the" Calculate BMI" button to see their BMI result. The BMI result is also displayed in the placeholder, along with an interpretation of the result grounded on the standard range of BMI values. 

When using a BMI Calculator, it's important to note that BMI is just one of numerous factors that contribute to a person's overall health and fitness. Other factors, similar as diet, exercise, genetics, and life habits, also play a part in determining a person's weight status and health. thus, it's important to use BMI as a general companion, and to consult with a healthcare professional for substantiated advice on weight operation and overall health.

In addition to BMI Calculator, there are also other tools and coffers available for covering weight status and promoting healthy habits. These may include food and exercise trackers, weight loss programs, and support groups. By using a combination of these tools and coffers, individualities can take control of their weight and ameliorate their overall health and good.

BMI formula

Below are the equations used for calculating BMI in the International System of Units (SI) and the US customary system (USC) using a 5'10", 160-pound individual as an example:

USC Units:
BMI = 703 × 
mass (lbs)
height2 (in)
= 703 × 
= 22.96 
SI, Metric Units:
BMI = 
mass (kg)
height2 (m)
 = 22.90


Overall, BMI Calculator is a useful tool for assessing weight status and promoting healthy habits. It's simple, easy- to- use, and provides a quick and accurate estimate of a person's BMI. still, it's important to use BMI as part of a comprehensive approach to weight operation and overall health, and to consult with a healthcare professional for substantiated advice and guidance.