B B TechNet Website Health Checker Tools

A website health checker is a program designed to scan and analyze the health of a website and identify technical problems or errors that are negatively affecting the website's performance, search engine ranking, search, user experience, or overall success could affect. These tools typically provide a detailed site status report along with recommendations for resolving any issues detected.

Site Health Checkers are useful for website owners, webmasters, SEOs and developers as they enable them to diagnose and fix website problems quickly and efficiently. These tools can also help website owners ensure their website is search engine friendly, easy to use and fully functional.

Types of other website health tools There are different types of website health tools on the market, each with their own characteristics, functions and benefits. Some of the most popular website health tools are: Google Search Console – A free tool provided by Google that allows website owners to monitor and optimize the performance of their websites in Google search results. The tool provides information about crawling, indexing status, indexing errors and more. SEMrush – This is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers a range of features including website audit, keyword research, backlink analysis and more. SEMrush's Site Health Checker provides a detailed report on your website's technical SEO status, identifying issues like broken links, duplicate content, missing meta tags and more. Ahrefs – This is another popular SEO tool that offers a range of features including website audit, keyword research, content analysis, and more.Ahrefs#039; Site Health Checker provides a comprehensive report on the health of your website by identifying issues like broken links, duplicate content, missing alt tags, and more. Sitechecker - This is a free website checker tool that scans your website for technical issues like broken links, missing meta tags, duplicate content, etc. Sitechecker's Site Health Checker provides a detailed report on the health of your website along with practical recommendations for improving your website's performance and user experience. Screaming Frog - is a website crawler that scans your website for technical issues like broken links, missing meta tags, duplicate content, etc. Screaming Frog's Website Health Checker provides a comprehensive report on the health of your website with detailed recommendations for resolving identified issues.


Spent a lot of time, effort, and money in building a website. In fact, now you can even call it as an important asset of your company. It is necessary to regularly check the health and performance of your website, right from the time you are developing it. Website maintenance and upgradation is an on-going process.